Thursday, August 16, 2007

My name's toby and I'm tired of working for a living. I had a great idea, while brainstorming with my cousin, to have a money drive to benefit my cause. My aim: 1 million dollars. I figure all I need is lots of contributors, contributing 1 dollar each, or more if they like. If they contribute and I reach 1 Million, each contributor will be recognized in some way whether it be a certificate, friendly email, or what have you. I will have a PayPal button located on this page and that will be the easiest way to contribute. Thanks, all for reading and I hope you will find it in your heart to help me out in my quest to avoid work by raising a good amount of money. I will allow comments for the submission of good ideas, i.e. creative fundraising or traffic building ideas. Hope to hear from you!!

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